Brilliantly Beautiful White Lotus Teaching Online

Brilliantly Beautiful White Lotus Teaching Online


Alternative: Seize My Boyfrien ; The White Lotus Is Online And Teaching ; Tuyệt Mỹ Bạch Liên Online Dạy Học ; 【快穿】绝美白莲在线教学 ; 绝美白莲在线教学

Author(s): 진수윤(까망소금), 五彩石漫画社

Status: ongoing

Genre(s): Drama, Manhua, Romance, Shounen ai

Chapter(s): 319

Updated: 8 days ago

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You are reading Brilliantly Beautiful White Lotus Teaching Online, a mesmerizing tale in the genres of Drama, Manhua, Romance, Shounen ai, written by 진수윤(까망소금), 五彩石漫画社, you can enjoy it online for free at MangaTab, a top manga site with a huge selection of manga. Brilliantly Beautiful White Lotus Teaching Online has 319 chapters translated into English and more chapters are on the way. Don’t miss out! If you want to stay updated about the latest chapters, please create an account and add Brilliantly Beautiful White Lotus Teaching Online to your bookmark list.

He is the top-tier White Lotus loved by the transmigration system. He relies on a pure and innocent appearance to play with other people's hearts as he transmigrates through various worlds. Watch as he stages a fantastic drama presenting the reunion of a couple after separation, the seduction of the Film Emperor and overbearing Emperors becoming infatuated with him in succession. But after that, he realized, the people he had been seducing had all been the same person? In their contest of love, who will win and who will lose?

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